
This is the first Dresser pattern we worked with, clearly seeing how it could be adapted to stencils and how great it would be for a floorcloth design.  We loved the original Dresser palette and the first piece we made with the pattern, a rather complicated U-Shaped design, employed this colorway.  Several additional colorways have been explored as have different shapes, all working beautifully in this versatile design.

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StarFlower Floorcloth #6

Size: 5' 1" x 8' 6"
Background Color: Randolph bisque
Motif Colors: Antique green
Custom brown
Custom orange
Custom pink
Custom reds
Custom tan

This is a very customized version of the StarFlower design - the clients had a vision! They wanted to introduce a bird theme and chose stencils from the Stencil Library's vast collection that were modified to work in this configuration.  William Morris's 1883 fabric design "Strawberry Thief" graces the corners and the central border was replaced with bird motifs.  Their kitchen is papered with William Morris's 1866 design,  "Fruit" and the floorcloth palette picks up on this extensive palette.  An interesting combination of Dresser and Morris motifs!

It is clear that Jade The Cat approves.

(Item SF06. This pattern is priced at a rate of $55/SF.)

Design Variations

All Ariel Grace Design floorcloths can be made in different sizes, configurations and palettes. Learn about how we make our floorcloths, how to care for them and how they are priced.